2018 年 07 月 01 日 11:00 起 至 2018 年 11 月 20 日 23:59 止
From Jul.1st,2018 11:00 a.m. through Nov.20th,2018 23:59 p.m.點選「我要報名」填寫申請資料,並上傳認證資料,待人工審核通過後,分為兩個階段(9月初/11月初)寄出紀念獎牌。
Click on “ I want to apply” to fill out the application and wait for the manual check to be done. The medal and the certification will be dilivered (at the beginning of September/ the beginning of November) to you after the manual check.認證項目:① 泳渡日月潭 ② 環湖路跑活動 ③ 環湖單車活動 ④ 登山活動
Certification for the following activities: 1. Swim through the Sun Moon Lake 2. Run around the Sun Moon Lake 3. Cycle around the Sun Moon Lake 4. Hiking.若您有網路報名、繳費操作問題請洽【樂活報名網】
If you have question about registration or payment, please contact us.
Service time:08:30~12:00;13:30~17:00 from Mon. to Fri.
認證資格(Qualification for verification):
活動時間 Date |
活動名稱 Title of the Race |
活動地點 Location |
9月15日(六) Sep.15th (Sat) |
Chinese Taipei 第4屆日月潭公開水域游泳錦標賽 |
朝霧碼頭 Chaowu Pier |
9月16日(日) Sep.16th (Sun) |
2018第36屆 日月潭國際萬人泳渡 The 36th Annual Sun Moon Lake Swimming Carnival |
朝霧碼頭 Chaowu Pier |
◉上傳示意圖 (sample)
認證資格(Qualification for verification):
活動時間 Date |
活動名稱 Title of the Race |
活動地點 Location |
10月28日(日) Oct.28th (Sun) |
2018日月潭環湖馬拉松 2018 Sun Moon Lake Marathon |
向山 Xiangshan |
◉ 成績證書上傳示意圖(sample picture of the uploading process for the result certificate.)
◉【樂活i運動】雲端路跑 上傳示意圖 (sample picture for “Lohas I Sport”.)
◉【STRAVA】上傳示意圖 (sample picture for “ STARVA”.)
認證資格(Qualification for verification):
活動時間 Date |
活動名稱 Title of the Race |
活動地點 Location |
9月29日(六) Sep.29th (Sat) |
環潭趣味闖關挑戰賽 Round the Lake Wide Game Ride |
向山 Xiangshan |
11月18日(日) Nov.18th (Sun) |
環潭挑戰遊 Round the Lake Challenge Ride |
向山 Xiangshan |
(sample picture)
◉【樂活i運動】上傳示意圖 (sample picture for “Lohas I Sport”.)
◉【STRAVA】上傳示意圖 (sample picture for “STRAVA”.)
認證資格(Qualification for verification):
活動時間 Date |
活動名稱 Title of the Race |
活動地點 Location |
11月11日(日) Nov.11th (Sun) |
逐鹿後尖山傳奇祕境 Atunas-Leave no trace Hiking Mountain Houjian 活動詳情請洽歐都納:04-23583456 More infomation: Please call out 04-23583456. |
頭社 TouShe |
步道起點(Starting point):
◉【樂活i運動】上傳示意圖 (sample picture for “Lohas I Sport”.)
◉【STRAVA】上傳示意圖 (sample picture for “STRAVA”.)
活動時間 Date |
活動名稱 Title of the Race |
活動地點 Location |
9月15日(六) Sep.15th (Sat) |
Chinese Taipei 第4屆日月潭公開水域游泳錦標賽 |
朝霧碼頭 Chaowu Pier |
9月16日(日) Sep.16th (Sun) |
2018第36屆 日月潭國際萬人泳渡 The 36th Annual Sun Moon Lake Swimming Carnival |
朝霧碼頭 Chaowu Pier |
活動時間 Date |
活動名稱 Title of the Race |
活動地點 Location |
10月28日(日) Oct.28th (Sun) |
2018日月潭環湖馬拉松 2018 Sun Moon Lake Marathon |
向山 Xiangshan |
活動時間 Date |
活動名稱 Title of the Race |
活動地點 Location |
11月11日(日) Nov.11th (Sun) |
逐鹿後尖山傳奇祕境 Atunas-Leave no trace Hiking Mountain Houjian 活動詳情請洽歐都納:04-23583456 More infomation: Please call out 04-23583456. |
頭社 TouShe |
◉ 每台螢幕皆有色差,顏色以實品為準,主辦單位保留更改樣式的權利。
In order to inspire the heroes to complete the verification process, the host organization had set these recognitions and will be offering a reward to each of them :